Wednesday, May 17, 2017
Brett Harris will present on racial bias in Internet search engine algorithms at the New Jersey State Bar Association (NJSBA) Annual Meeting and Convention. The program will discuss the recent proliferation of racist and xenophobic Internet search results; the algorithms responsible for producing these results; how search engines are attempting to address the problem; and how it is impacting the law.
Ms. Harris will be presenting on a panel entitled “Racism, Xenophobia, and the Algorithms: How Do the Results from Google and other Internet Search Algorithms Impact Society and the Law?” which is sponsored by the NJSBA Diversity Committee and the NJSBA Internet and Computer Law Committee. Ms. Harris is a past Chair of the Internet and Computer Law Committee.
In addition to several practicing attorneys on the panel along with Ms. Harris, the presenters include David Opderbeck, Professor of Law and Co-Director of the Gibbons Institute of Law, Science and Technology at Seton Hall University School of Law in Newark and Jonathan Vick, Associate Director, Investigative Technology and Cyberhate Response at the Anti-Defamation League.
Atlantic City, New Jersey
Brett R. Harris