Steven J. Tripp to Present NJICLE Live Webcast “Advanced Topics in Land Use VII”

Wednesday, May 6, 2020 12:00 PM to 1:40 PM

Wilentz Land Use Chair Steven J. Tripp will participate in a live webcast entitled “Advanced Topics in Land Use VII,” presented by the New Jersey State Bar Association Institute for Continuing Legal Education in cooperation with the NJSBA Land Use Section. Designed for experienced land use practitioners, the seventh installment of the NJICLE webinar series features seasoned land use attorneys who will discuss strategies for overcoming a range of land use and zoning issues, including residential development in Mt. Laurel “compliant” towns and site plan approval for changes in tenancy in existing structures.

This program has been approved by the Board on Continuing Legal Education of the Supreme Court of New Jersey for 2.0 hours of total CLE credit.

Steven J. Tripp Photo

Steven J. Tripp
Co-Chair, Land Use Group