Stephanie D. Gironda and Tracy A. Armstrong to Present at NJICLE’s Clashing Rights – When Workers Right Collide and Reverse Discrimination Program

Tuesday, October 25, 2022 9:00 AM to 12:35 PM

Wilentz Associate Stephanie D. Gironda will moderate and present at NJICLE’S Clashing Rights - When Workers Right Collide and Reverse Discrimination program. During the program, Shareholder and Co-Chair of the Employment Law group, Tracy A. Armstrong, will share insight as a defense attorney on a variety of hypothetical scenarios. This program will provide employers with guidance on navigating situations when their employees have colliding job-related rights from both defense and plaintiff attorneys’ perspectives.

The program agenda includes:

  • The Transitioning Employee
  • An Employee with a Disability Requests a Workplace Accommodation
  • Can an Employee Wear a “Blue Lives Matter” Tee Shirt at Work?
  • Reverse Discrimination
  • Q&A

This program will be presented in a hybrid format.

This program has been approved by the Board of Continuing Legal Education of the Supreme Court of New Jersey for 4.0 hours of CLE credit.

For more information and to register, please visit the event page.

Tracy Armstrong Photo

Tracy Armstrong
Co-Chair, Employment Law Team